Please make sure to follow submission directions outlined in the syllabus (i.e., assignment-x.html, reading-x.html).
All assignments are due no later than 9am the day of class. Upload all assignments to your Storm server using the naming convention outlined above. If you do not use this convention, I will not be able to find your submission and it will be marked as incomplete.
Studio Assignment
Complete the HTML & CSS Code Academy lessons. Upload your results to your Storm server.
Please read the following article, and write a short response (3-4 paragraphs). Use the template below as a guide for the design of your submission, but feel free to modify it as you see fit.
Vannevar Bush, As We May Think
Studio Assignment
Reading Assignment
Studio Assignment
Reading Assignment
Studio Assignment
Create an interactive story that requires user input. Examples include:
Reading Assignment
Please prepare a report where you compare and combine insight from all this readings to explain the following concepts: Function, object, event, and Document Object Model.
Studio Assignment
Build a simple and ingenious client using a public API from the list below:
Reading Assignment
Resources - RESTful APIs and AJAX
Studio Assignment
Reading Assignment
Resources - Alternative Web Content
Studio Assignment
Choose an online social media or entertainment service (facebook, twitter, youtube, netflix, etc), and develop a concept for a virtual reality experience using it’s content and data. Use writing, sketches, mockups and/or visual references from science fiction to illustrate your ideas.
Reading Assignment
Studio Assignment
Conceive and implement a Net Art Piece using a combination of javascript, gifs, and interactive text.
Reading Assignment
Additional Resources
Final Project Proposal
The proposal document should be presented as a simple illustrated HTML webpage covering the following sections:
Letter of Intent
A simple paragraph explaining your motivation to work on your project of choice. Describe your own expectations from the finished product and explain the potential benefit you and others can have from it. In addition to this, justify your design choices based on the goal to communicate your subject in an original, optimal manner.
Theme and Subject
No personal portfolio websites are allowed. Other than that, there are no restrictions to the final project's theme or subject as long as it covers the required scope. However, a reasoned justification of your choice will be required.
The project scope should warrantee the need to use rich media (text, images, video, sound, etc), and an original, non-trivial implementation of presentation and interactivity using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and JQuery. Viability of scope will require approval upon proposal review.
Draw a detailed flow diagram with wireframe pencil thumbnails on paper to outline a tentative sitemap, including a layout proposal for all of the site's sections and interactive components. Explain your design decisions: why are they necessary? how do they benefit the presentation of your content?
Based on theme, subject, scope, and design requirements, students should present research on current and state-of-the-art related websites, together with an assessment on what can be improved, incorporated or changed from all these references.
Reading Assignment
Instead of a Reading Report, please make use and cite at least three concepts from each reading to explain and/or justify a few aspects of your Project Proposal.
Final Project Pre-Production Draft
The pre-production draft should be presented as a simple illustrated HTML webpage covering the following sections:
Reading Assignment
No more readings! :)
Final Project Landing Page
At this point you have clarity on design and scope and you should have all your tech resources and assets available, so you're ready to start testing the waters and build a prototype for your landing page. This is a list of things you should deliver next week:
Usability testing: Test your landing page design finding and using real-life approximations to the personas you developed last week. Invite a classmate, friend or family member to use your website. Did they understand it? Could they perform the tasks you had prepared for them? Could they find what they were looking for? Was it an engaging experience for them? Write down a brief usability report explaining how your tests informed your design.
Reading Assignment
No more readings! :)